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Time March­es On

Hourglass illustration
1 min read

This web­site has been a long time com­ing, to be hon­est. It has been a pet project now for a good 3 years. First with get­ting a grips on pre­pro­cess­ing and every­thing that entails. Then GIT, though that should have real­ly come first. Fol­lowed by set­tling on a CMS that fit my work­flow and not default­ing to Word­press. I set­tled for Craft if you’re inter­est­ed, the depth of cus­tomi­sa­tion on the front and back end is amaz­ing, plus writ­ing tem­plates in twig is a dream.

Ever since I quit my cor­po­rate job at HP, I’ve been play­ing catch up, I had let myself get lazy and com­pla­cent. HP had a pre­scribed way of doing things. Plug con­tent into Dreamweaver tem­plates, upload, then have a 3 hour long con­fer­ence call to dis­cuss. You stop chal­leng­ing your­self to push for­ward and try new things, you fall into a rut.

Then life hap­pened. Mov­ing coun­tries, attempt­ing to learn lan­guages, hav­ing chil­dren, trav­el and hav­ing a day job of man­ag­ing all the cre­ative mate­r­i­al at a biotech com­pa­ny — and all its child com­pa­nies — left me with very lit­tle time for much else.

So here I am, still in Nor­way and not sure where our next move will take us. Regard­less though my work can be done from any­where, so pro­fes­sion­al­ly it is of lit­tle consequence.

I con­tin­ue fid­dling around in the back­ground with this site. My next side project is to build a North­ern Lights app, either using React Native or some­thing sim­i­lar. I don’t feel like restrict­ing my work to walled gar­dens (iOS or Android), so either a web based app or some­thing built in React Native should suffice.

At 34, I still find learn­ing new Front-end devel­op­ment tech­niques fun and chal­leng­ing, I guess that’s called a good career choice?